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Michael Cuccione Foundation

Finding a Cure for Childhood Cancer


The Michael Cuccione Story

How Your Support Makes a Difference

Funds raised by the Michael Cuccione Foundation are focused on bettering childhood cancer treatments. Please watch this video that details exciting news of our focus on CAR T-cell immunotherapy research, which may be the next big step away from heavy chemo & radiation treatments.

Michael Cuccione Childhood Cancer Research Program

Giving new hope to children and their families to not only survive cancer, but lead normal and healthy lives after treatments.

Upcoming Fundraising Events

Help us help the kids and join us at these events!
 Hearts of Gold Gala

Hearts of Gold Gala

March 15, 2025

Event Starts in:

 24th Annual Golf For A Cure

24th Annual Golf For A Cure

May 30, 2025

Event Starts in:

 18th Annual Kick For A Cure

18th Annual Kick For A Cure

August 23, 2025

Event Starts in:

Together We Are Saving Precious Lives!

When baby Elara was just 1 year old, she had a cancerous tumor that would require a major surgery and four rounds of chemotherapy, all to take place before her second birthday.

Michael Cuccione

Michael's Story

Michael Cuccione dreamed of a world without childhood cancer. He had the courage and vision to raise awareness and lay down the groundwork for a foundation that believes research holds the key to finding a cure. Michael raised enough funds to establish two lifetime endowments for young researchers giving the brilliant minds of today the opportunity to train and become the childhood cancer research leaders of tomorrow. From his vision of hope he founded the Michael Cuccione Foundation with the mission of funding childhood cancer research. Researchers in The Michael Cuccione Childhood Cancer Research Program at BC Children's Hospital continue to honour Michael's legacy by treading closer to treatments that not only address the ongoing needs of children who experience lifelong recovery from cancer, but also ultimately offer a cure - Michael's dream. Michael believed that a cure for cancer could be found in a child and that "One can only do so much, but together we can make a difference!” Please help us keep Michael's dream alive and support the Michael Cuccione Childhood Cancer Research Program.

In the past 30 years, with your help we've raised over


for childhood cancer research

BC Children's Hospital
BC Children's Hospital
BC Children's Hospital
BC Children's Hospital

What sets us apart?

We are a proud grassroots organization that maintains a low overhead by relying heavily on kind-hearted volunteers, and we aim to maximize the funds that can go directly to research. CAR-T Cell Therapy and personalized treatments are a key focus of our research. Michael once asked, "What if a cure is in a child?" This question has been a guiding principle in our work. We focus solely on research for children's cancer understanding that they require a different approach than adult cancer. A child has the opportunity of a long life ahead of them which must be a key factor to consider in their treatment so that they can continue a healthy and prosperous life after leaving the hospital. 

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BC Children's Hospital

About The Michael Cuccione Foundation

Fighting Childhood Cancer

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