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Emma's Story

Date Posted : September 18, 2020

In March of 2019, we heard the words that no parent should ever have to hear "it's cancer."  Our beautiful, full-of-life ten-year-old daughter, Emma, was diagnosed with metastatic Ewing's Sarcoma, a rare type of cancer that is found in the bones or soft tissues around bones.  In Emma's case, the tumour was in her left femur as well as in the form of small spots on her lungs. 

We were immediately thrust into a world that we knew nothing about and that no one ever wants to be a part of.  Emma would undergo thirteen rounds of intense chemotherapy, ten rounds of radiation on her lungs and multiple surgeries; the main one to remove the majority of her femur.  Our lives completely stopped that year and became solely about getting Emma well.  We would often hear the statement: "I don't know how you do it" …you just do.

It was the support of family, friends and our community that got us through.  People we have never met before stepped up to help and we were so humbled by the amount of support we received. Foundations like the Michael Cuccione Foundation help more than they may ever know.  With me leaving my job to be with Emma full-time and my husband facing his own cancer diagnosis, not having to worry about gas, groceries and bills was a huge relief. 

Thankfully, in March of 2020, exactly one year to the day since her first round of chemo, we received the news that Emma had clear scans and there was no sign of cancer!

We hope to be able to raise awareness about childhood cancer and give back to those who helped us during the most heartbreaking time of our lives. We understand that it's the kindness and support of others that made it a little more bearable for us.

Thank you to the Michael Cuccione Foundation for everything they have done and will continue to do for families facing a childhood cancer diagnosis.

    Thank you to the Michael Cuccione Foundation for everything they have done and will continue to do for families facing a childhood cancer diagnosis.