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The 23rd Annual Golf For A Cure raised over net $140,000!!!

Golden Eagle Golf Club
North & South Courses
21770 Ladner Rd
Pitt Meadows, BC

The 23rd annual golf tournament was a resounding success, selling out both the North and South courses at Golden Eagle Golf Club.

All donations are drawn in Canadian funds.
Registration is first come first served. Registration deadline is April 30th


To support with a sponsorship select an option below: *

Platinum - $10,000.00

Diamond - $5,000.00

Gold - $3,500.00

Silver - $2,000.00

Cart Sponsorship - $1,600.00

Hole Sponsorship - $500.00

Not Applicable - $0.00

If you would like to pay offline, please print out our Sponsorship Registration Form.

Individual/Foursome Registration

To register yourself or a four-person team select an option below. Includes golf, prizes, power carts, lunch and casual dinner gathering.
Note: Individual golfers are not guaranteed a spot. Four-person registration is encouraged.

$175.00 Register individual golfer

$700.00 Register four-person team

Not applicable


To add a donation enter an amount below.


Payment Information

I will pay with:
Credit Card     OR   
Cheque or Money Order

If paying with Credit Card:

Do you require a tax receipt?
No Yes
Sponsorship Tax Receipts will be provided less benefit received. Individual golf registrations do not qualify for a tax receipt.

If paying with Cheque/Money Order:

Please send your payment to:

Michael Cuccione Foundation
P.O. Box 31081,
8-2929 St. Johns Street
Port Moody, BC V3H 4T4

If you have any questions, please call us Toll Free at 1 866 860 CURE (2873) in North America or 604-552-2850 local British Columbia.

Players' Information

Enter at least 1 players information. If you don't have all 4 names at this time you may email donate@childhoodcancerresearch.org at a later date.

Team Contact or 1st Player

Confirmation will be sent via email.

2nd Player

3rd Player

4th Player


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Yes   No

Are you interested in volunteering at an upcoming event?
Yes   No

Additional Comments: Anything you’d like us to know? Please enter your notes below.